Remote HydroLight

This locally made turbine kit and Chinese alternator was designed for the thousands of stone water mills in Afghanistan. Over four thousand crossflow turbines of this design have been installed in Afghanistan. The design was developed and transferred to private Afghan workshops by the International Assistance Mission (IAM).

Electronic load control
This locally made Electronic Load Control System (ELC) manages the plant output and keeps the voltage at a set value (220V). Ca 1750 of the ELCs have been built and installed by local workshops. This ELC has a built-in manual over-ride control which adds security for remote plants.

Pamir turbine 65 kW
These two "Pamir" turbines produce 65 kW electric power each. They provide 24/7 electricity for cooking, water heating, lights, TV's to over 200 rural families along the Panjshir River. This plant has been operating since January 2009.

Power house with forebay
TMT (Traditional Mill Turbine) kit placed alongside a functioning stone water mill. Grind wheat and irrigate during the daytime, produce electricity for lighting homes at night, or do all three if the water flow is large enough.

The village community usually provides the labor to build the channel which can be a considerable amount of work.

Remote HydroLight Services
"bringing light to remote places"

Mission statement:
  • To assist those desiring to utilize available water resources to generate electrical power at a reasonable cost
  • Have 17 years experience with micro-hydropower development in Afghan mountain regions
  • Specialize in “stand alone” remote sites not on or near the electrical grid.
  • Like to electrify complete river valleys so everyone has access to reliable, renewable energy.
  • Help you decide the potential of a site and it’s most cost effective sustainable development.
  • Support full community participation during project survey, installation, and operation.
  • Consider the use of water for agriculture being a higher priority than power generation.
  • Use proven micro-hydropower equipment and methods designed for remote mountain conditions.
  • Use trained Afghan equipment manufacturers and installers who will provide long-term support.
  • Are involved with the expansion of this technology throughout Afghanistan in the private sector.
  • Welcome doing business with Communities, NGO’s, PRT’s and Government agencies.
  • Are registered with the Afghan Govt. holding business license number     I-10692.
  • Enthusiastically endorse National Development Strategy  (ANDS, p.78, 3.5 MB) of by 2010, 25% of rural homes will have electricity.    

Why micro-Hydropower?
Electricity from micro-hydropower is a clean, safe, emission free, renewable energy.  With proper development it is reliable, requires low maintenance, and results in a lower cost per kW than other options such as:  gasoline, diesel, or wind generators, solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, or the environmental damage and/or expense of bringing the grid from afar.  Afghan communities can help install, operate, and maintain these power plants.  Community participation, self-sufficiency, and the benefits of reliable lights bring pride, stability, and unity to communities.  Power can be used for lights, radio, TV, computers, small industry (sewing machines, agricultural processing), and large community water heaters.  Especially benefited are women and children who no longer face the smell, smoke, danger, inconvenience, and cost of lanterns.  A consistent water supply allows power generation 24 hours/day even when there is no sun or wind.  The generating equipment produces low noise and can be built so it is not obstructive or abusive to the environment.  Water use is “non-consumptive” in that the water flowing through the turbine returns to the river or stream it originated from and can be reused for agricultural irrigation purposes.

Laboratory test crossflow turbine
A Remote HydroLight Crossflow turbine was tested at the Waterpower Laboratory of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Tronheim, Norway. The maximum effeciency recorded was 78.6% at the turbine optimum operating point.  See announcement.

Prototype of Kaplan turbine
This prototype Kaplan turbine (pulley protection is removed to show construction) has been testing since February 2010.  Production units are now being made for Nangahar Province.

Training Kaplan turbine
Ten workshops have received training to manufacture the Kaplan turbine

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